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From restaurants to the finance and banking district. I work with and for a range of businesses, interior designers, architects and the within the building industry. Helping create bespokely tailored fine art and / or print production of artwork & paintings


Working closely with my clients bringing to life visual concepts & proposals into the real world. Reflecting and matching your needs for colours & mood. Considering lighting schemes and visual temperature, room & space size, viewer psychology, emotion & mood creation


Utilising and stealing from nature. From the oceans to mountains, lakes and rivers, dried out deserts or flooded deltas and glacial pools. Water’s relationship with the land comes in many forms, each has it’s our evolutionary feel on us as humans. My manipulation and ability to reflect it can help you create something unique & special for your space & viewers


-large commissions are tiled and broken into 1 metre square tiles roughly. 


-Secure L shape battoning for hanging for precise none moving wall display. I want them to not move even in an earthquake. 


-Price varies from size, quantity & location.


The best place to start is to email me describing a bit about the space you’d like to have artwork within & / or on. Plus your colour & lighting scheme etc 


Click here to read more.




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